Dear psychologists - PASG members,
I have the great honor to announce you about the conference "The interdisciplinary approach of litigation with minor in cases of Parental Alienation", wich will be held on 16-17 of May 2019, in Bucharest, Romania.
Bucharest Tribunal together with an NGO - APISET Association (The Art of Innovative Projects in Education, Health and Tourism), organize for the first time in Romania an international congress devoted exclusively to the issues of children involved in the conflict between separated or divorcing parents, in fact it is about Parental Alienation.
This is the first international congress organized by a public authority in the field, that is, the biggest court in Romania that handles juvenile cases. We are talking about the Tribunal (the second instance in order of judges cases - they decisions remain definitive) who understood the gravity of the phenomenon of parental alienation and wants to organize this training of magistrates in the sense of their specialization in this delicate matter. The targeted audience will be formed exclusively by magistrates (judges and prosecutors) involved in solving this kind of cases. Psychologists are welcomed, too.
In Romania prosecutors are prosecuting criminal offenses in which they commit the offense of non-observance of measures concerning the custody of minors, harassment and ill-treatment of minors.
During this congress we will find from the reputable specialists in the field both from the country and from abroad (judges, prosecutors and psychologists) sensitive issues regarding different cases of emotional abuse exercised by the parents on the minors in the case of the separation.
The main purpose of this conference is forming the skills and abilities of magistrates judges and prosecutors through a theoretical and practical training, in order to be able to identify cases of emotional abuse exercised by parents on minors and dispose some measures in order to analyze and to take the effective measures for stopping this serious form of abuse named parental alienation, immediately. Secondly, we are planning to improve the legislation in Romania, to change the Romanian law and/or to add/change some articles from the law.
Also, the specialists in this field from around the world will sit togheter for 2 days of conference with the objective to find solutions to combat parental alienation by implementing exercise joint custody and extensive personal engagement programs as well penalizing the abusive parentby changing the child's home to the parent victim.
I would like to inform you that there is no participation fee charged for this conference, but every guest is responsible for the costs of accomodation and flight tickets. This is the policy agreed by conference organizers.
I am one of the partners of this conference with my NGO, as a president. However, the idea of organizing this conference was mine and it was accepted by the Tribunal`s staff. Therefore, if you consider it appropriate to financially support the organization of this important conference, you can donate money to this NGO account. Just let me know about it via a private message or by e-mail at: For the moment we have no sponsor involved in this project because we can not have any advertising there.
Please, let me know if you are interested to attend this conference (only if you are part of target audience) because we have limited places.
I would like to have as guests to this conference, psychologists from abroad and from PASG who can contribute through their experience to the discussions held during this event. If you consider it, I would like to ask you to let psychologists know about this event and to decide by themselves if they want to attend or not.
I would be extremely pleased if you will be able to attending to this important event for the justice world in Romania and the progress of the phenomenon of parental alienation in the whole world. If you are able to come to this conference please send me an e-mail.
I look forward to seeing your answer!
Best wishes from Romania,
Het ouderverstotingssyndroom, een vertaling van het Engelse Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), is een syndroom bij kinderen, als wordt vastgesteld dat zij een van hun ouders stelselmatig afwijzen. Het ouderverstotingssyndroom komt vooral voor bij kinderen van uit de echt gescheiden ouders en aanhoudende conflicten tussen hen, waarbij een kind gaandeweg onder invloed van de ene ouder de andere ouder onterecht verstoot in diverse nuances: van vermijden over laster tot uitvallen tegen die ouder.
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