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Het ouderverstotingssyndroom, een vertaling van het Engelse Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), is een syndroom bij kinderen, als wordt vastgesteld dat zij een van hun ouders stelselmatig afwijzen. Het ouderverstotingssyndroom komt vooral voor bij kinderen van uit de echt gescheiden ouders en aanhoudende conflicten tussen hen, waarbij een kind gaandeweg onder invloed van de ene ouder de andere ouder onterecht verstoot in diverse nuances: van vermijden over laster tot uitvallen tegen die ouder.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Friday, September 16, 2022
New recent study on PA - USA
Bron: IFS
A woman who rejected her mother for five years sought help from an advice columnist:
I’m so ashamed. I don’t even know how to make it up to my mom,
who through all of this always told me she still loved me, even with
all the hard words I threw at her. I’m beating myself up now wondering
why I chose to believe my dad when there were so many signs I was wrong.
This woman—who signed her letter “So Ashamed”—was victimized by her father’s toxic manipulation of her relationship with her mother and suffered a heart-breaking situation known as parental alienation.
In most parts of the world, the law offers no protection for children and parents harmed by this type of psychologically damaging manipulation and persuasion. And in the U.S., some activists are trying very hard to prevent family courts from offering such protection.
These activists argue that no solid science backs the idea that children can be manipulated to turn against a loving parent—a phenomenon known as parental alienation. They admit that some parents bad-mouth and bash their ex’s in exactly the manner I described in the now-classic, Divorce Poison. But sceptics argue that we don’t know if bad-mouthing and parental manipulation are enough to cause children to reject a loving parent.
How does this square with the reality that children come to dislike, hate, or reject certain people (such as those of a different race) based on how their parents or other guardians talk about and act toward others? It doesn’t. Parents have such strong influence, they can convince their children to remember events that never actually happened. Science has been clear on this for decades. (Click here for a systematic review.) The most extreme examples are when children are coached to accuse a parent of physical or sexual abuse that never occurred. (See Susan Becker’s law review article for examples.)
If, as critics contend, parental alienation does not exist, then why have so many family court judges ruled that it does? A 2020 study found in nearly 1,200 trial and appellate cases between 1985 and 2018, judges agreed that evidence of possible parental alienation was relevant, admissible, and worthy of discussion. Were these judges right?
To find out, my colleagues, Jennifer Harman, Demosthenes Lorandos, Matthew Florian, and I took on the challenging task of reviewing the empirical studies on parental alienation, including those published in languages other than English. We reported the results in our new article, “Developmental Psychology and the Scientific Status of Parental Alienation,” which was recently published in the American Psychological Association journal, Developmental Psychology.
A woman who rejected her mother for five years sought help from an advice columnist:
I’m so ashamed. I don’t even know how to make it up to my mom,
who through all of this always told me she still loved me, even with
all the hard words I threw at her. I’m beating myself up now wondering
why I chose to believe my dad when there were so many signs I was wrong.
This woman—who signed her letter “So Ashamed”—was victimized by her father’s toxic manipulation of her relationship with her mother and suffered a heartbreaking situation known as parental alienation.
In most parts of the world, the law offers no protection for children and parents harmed by this type of psychologically damaging manipulation and persuasion. And in the U.S., some activists are trying very hard to prevent family courts from offering such protection.
These activists argue that no solid science backs the idea that children can be manipulated to turn against a loving parent—a phenomenon known as parental alienation. They admit that some parents bad-mouth and bash their ex’s in exactly the manner I described in the now-classic, Divorce Poison. But skeptics argue that we don’t know if bad-mouthing and parental manipulation are enough to cause children to reject a loving parent.
How does this square with the reality that children come to dislike, hate, or reject certain people (such as those of a different race) based on how their parents or other guardians talk about and act toward others? It doesn’t. Parents have such strong influence, they can convince their children to remember events that never actually happened. Science has been clear on this for decades. (Click here for a systematic review.) The most extreme examples are when children are coached to accuse a parent of physical or sexual abuse that never occurred. (See Susan Becker’s law review article for examples.)
If, as critics contend, parental alienation does not exist, then why have so many family court judges ruled that it does? A 2020 study found in nearly 1,200 trial and appellate cases between 1985 and 2018, judges agreed that evidence of possible parental alienation was relevant, admissible, and worthy of discussion. Were these judges right?
To find out, my colleagues, Jennifer Harman, Demosthenes Lorandos, Matthew Florian, and I took on the challenging task of reviewing the empirical studies on parental alienation, including those published in languages other than English. We reported the results in our new article, “Developmental Psychology and the Scientific Status of Parental Alienation,” which was recently published in the American Psychological Association journal, Developmental Psychology.
The studies we reviewed provide a wide range of reliable information for judges, lawyers, legislators, therapists, and parents—information such as the prevalence of parental alienation, the strategies parents use to undermine their child’s relationship with the other parent, how to identify a child who rejects a good parent, and about how courts can help families suffering this problem. The more types and frequency of alienating behavior a parent engaged in, the more severely alienated their children. And some types of behavior, such as interfering with the child’s contact with the other parent, were related to more alienation.
Who engages in alienating behavior? For many years I have written that fathers and mothers can and do foment their children’s rejection of the other parent. (See Ten Parental Alienation Fallacies That Compromise Decisions in Court and in Therapy.) Our review provided confirmation of this observation. Ten studies found no gender differences in who was likely to be an alienating parent. Ten other studies, using smaller sample sizes, found more mothers than fathers were identified as the alienating parent, with fathers constituting a significant minority (e.g., 1/3) of alienating parents. In other words, mothers as well as fathers are targets of their children’s irrational rejection. Far from being a misogynist’s weapon, as some activists claim, parental alienation is an equal opportunity offense.
An interesting side note is that many studies of interparental conflict assume that children caught in the middle will react the same way with each parent. For example, when they witness parents’ arguments, children worry that a parent—either parent—will walk out. But this assumption does not hold for alienated children. They generally respond to parental conflict by taking sides. They appear eager to cement their relationship with one parent and end contact with the other. This means that scientists who study the impact of parental conflict should include measures that can reveal when a child aligns with one parent and behaves poorly only with the other parent.
What is the key takeaway message for judges, lawyers, legislators, therapists, parents, and others involved in custody decisions? Parental alienation is real and supported by a legitimate and trustworthy foundation of scientific study. Advocates who claim otherwise are wrong and either through ignorance or design are ignoring scientific advances in the field and spreading misinformation.
Legislators should not be fooled by claims that research in parental alienation lacks scientific status. For decades, judges have found a clear link between a parent’s alienating behaviour and the child’s subsequent rejection of the other parent. Our laws and practices should recognize the harm caused to children who fall victim to parental alienation and allow judges to do what is necessary to spare children from this injury.
Richard A. Warshak is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He is the author of Divorce Poison: How To Protect Your Family From Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing, and Welcome Back, Pluto: Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Parental Alienation. For an overview and additional resources on the identification, prevention, and treatment of parental alienation, see "Parental Alienation: The Psychology of Fractured Parent–Child Relationships" at the Child and Family Blog and
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Nieuws: AFCC en NCJFCJ herkennen Oudervervreemding (USA)
De Nationale Raad voor Jeugd- en Familierechtbanken (NCJFCJ) is een brancheorganisatie die kennis en vaardigheden levert aan rechters en aanverwante beroepen ter ondersteuning van de gezins- en jeugdrechtbanken.
Voor de Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) en NCJFCJ is het een unieke prestatie om tot een overeenkomst te komen en deze gezamenlijke verklaring te publiceren.
AFCC en NCJFCJ keuren verklaring over contactproblemen tussen ouders en kinderen goed
De raden van bestuur van zowel de Nationale Raad voor Jeugd- en Familierechtbanken als de Nationale Raad voor Jeugd- en Familierechtbanken hebben een gezamenlijke verklaring over ouder-kindcontactproblemen goedgekeurd. De verklaring bereikt verschillende doelen.
Het erkent het risico voor kinderen van gepolariseerde perspectieven en benadrukt het belang van het effectief aanpakken van ouder-kindcontactproblemen door een kindgerichte benadering te hanteren. Om deze doelstellingen te bereiken, roept de verklaring op tot een verhoogde beroepsbekwaamheid, screening op veiligheid, conflicten en contactproblemen tussen ouders en kinderen, volledige aandacht voor alle factoren die kunnen bijdragen aan contactproblemen tussen ouders en kinderen bij het uitvoeren van individuele casusanalyses en het verwijzen naar passende en proportionele diensten en interventies indien nodig.
Meer details: klik hier
Monday, July 4, 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022
"Ouderverstoting is een strategie van het kind"
'Ouderverstoting is een overlevingsstrategie van het kind'
Bij ouderverstoting is een kind vijandig tegenover een van de ouders, het weigert contact en laat daar geen schuldgevoelens over zien. De andere ouder, maar ook de omgeving, is daar volgens Erna Janssen altijd schuldig aan. Ze werkt veel met deze problematiek en ontwikkelde een systemische methode voor de aanpak.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Monday, March 28, 2022
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
A new book: FACT or FAKE
Presentation of the book
Statement of the Global Action for Research Integrity in Parental Alienation
Objective of the book:
Our goal is to make visible problems caused by multiple publications with scientific fraud in parental alienation, such as lack of respect for the rights of children of divorced parents to a life free of violence and to live with their entire family.
Why was the book created?
The book was written because the editors of the fraudulent publications and articles have refused to withdraw them, ignoring the international guidelines in science.
What benefits will the book have?
The book will serve so that the children of separated parents do not suffer from parental alienation, a type of child violence that consists of manipulation strategies of the parent who has custody, with the aim of causing a breakup of the child with the other parent.
Contribution in the World:
Three emblematic cases of books with scientific fraud published by the American Psychological Association of the USA, Norstedts Juridik of Sweden, and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico are illustrated. The retraction of these books will ensure that new generations of children of separated parents do not suffer from this scourge, which these books have tried to deny through scientific fraud.
The goal of GARI-PA:
The United Nations is requested to intervene so that parental alienation is reincorporated into ICD-11, since the World Health Organization did not provide any explanation of any research that would support the decision to eliminate it.
This book was written by Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Amaro and Dr. William Bernet, who identified this problem and formed an international scientific association made up of delegates from 18 countries. The book was written in English and Spanish to eliminate language barriers.
Presentation of the book:
It will take place on March 24, 2022 (consult the table of time zones in ), with simultaneous translation between English and Spanish, as well as subtitles in Portuguese. Participating are Dr. Alejandro Mendoza Amaro, Chairperson of Hispanic Regional Chapter; Dr. William Bernet, Chairperson of English Regional Chapter; Dr. Jennifer Harman, Delegate in the United States; Dr. Fabiola González Betanzos, Secretary; Silvana Verónica Giachero, Delegate in Uruguay; and Dr. Angela Morgan, Delegate in the United Kingdom.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Parental Alienation: a real problem
In the USA alone, an alarming number of families, estimated over 22 million, are affected by parental alienation. Millions of children are held psychologically hostage by parents they trust.
Through manipulation and coercion, innocent children are weaponized against the alienated parent.
Children are involuntarily forced to align entirely with one parent and sever ties with the other. They are forbidden to love a parent with whom they were previously close to.
Targeted parents and alienated children suffer the effects of this atrocity for a lifetime.
Parental alienation is the most damaging and fast-growing type of child abuse. Though highly prevalent in societies worldwide.
Parental alienation is not commonly known or recognized. Awareness, education, and commitment to change are the keys.
To learn more, please visit the non-profit organization website,
And please sign our petition to stop Parental Alienation and Family Court's ignorance...
Parental Alienation behaviours recognised as child abuse & domestic violence.
We would truly appreciate all members of PASG and all ORGANIZATIONS fighting for children’s rights to be behind us & supporting our organization, signing our petition & sharing as much as possible in your network and social media & encouraging others to do the same.
We welcome your comments when signing our petition so others can read them as well.
Signing our Petition